Client's Name (required)
Client referred by: (required)
Job title: (required)
Address: (required)
Postcode: (required)
Phone number: (required)
Mobile number: (required)
Email address: (required)
Care Manager/Key Worker name: (required)
The client will attend The Therapy Garden for the purpose of Horticultural Therapy commencing on for a period of six months at which time a review will take place to ascertain the benefit of the service to the client.
The standard fee is £66 per day, payable monthly in advance, reviewable annually. If another agreement has been made please explain details here and who the agreement was made with:
The Contract may be terminated at the request of the Care Manager/Key Worker, giving one month’s written notice. Fees will be charged for the period of notice, regardless of attendance.
The Therapy Garden reserves the right to terminate the Contract with no notice where:
the client’s level of support needs to be re-assessed
the client’s health or well-being may be at risk from any aspect of the placement
the client fails to comply with the Charity’s code of conduct
the client fails to comply with Health and Safety procedures
the client refuses to follow instructions given by supervising staff or volunteers
the client causes offence because of racist or sexual behaviour; is aggressive or violent either physically or verbally; is disruptive in his/her conduct; commits wilful damage; steals from the Charity or anyone at the Centre; or his/her behaviour is such that the Therapy Garden Manager or designated person in charge feels that their attendance cannot be allowed to continue.
the client is found to be under the effects of alcohol or any non-prescribed drugs or other substances during periods of attendance, or while helping at activities organised by the Charity, or if the client brings any of these substances on to the site at any time
If the Contract has to be terminated because of a breach of these conditions, one month’s payment will be due in lieu of notice.
The parties agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Contract.
Name of purchaser of the service: (required)
Provider of the service: The Therapy Garden
Name of representative: Penny Walters
Position: Therapy Garden Manager
Address: The Therapy Garden, Manor Fruit Farm, Glaziers Lane, Normandy, Guildford, GU3 2DT
Tel no.: 01483 813846
By clicking submit you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of this service. A copy of this agreement will be sent to you.