The relationship between green spaces and human health and wellbeing is widely acknowledged and in recent years, there have been increasing calls for ‘social and therapeutic horticulture’ to be prescribed by health professionals. Research carried out by the National Garden Scheme (NGS) showed that 79% believe that access to a garden is ‘essential for quality of life’.
A three year study conducted by Loughborough University found that gardening can have a positive effect on physical and mental health, social skills and well-being of vulnerable adults. The study found that ‘growing things’, being outside in the fresh air and the physical toil helped improve health, well-being and mood. There were improvements in the social skills of participants and the opportunity to extend social networks between groups often marginalised in our society. The report concluded that: “horticulture and gardening can no longer be treated as a trivial activity; it is comparable to any other physical therapy”.
An evidence database kept by Kathleen Wolf at the College of the Environment, Washington University, concludes that the experience of nature and green spaces “help to restore the mind from mental fatigue and provides a calming and inspiring environment”.
The Therapy Garden provides clients with a calm, protected space and a supportive environment, in which you can begin to allow new experiences in, reconnect with nature and really benefit from the healing power of the garden.